Look out for these 5 upcoming trends in Tourism Industry India
If you are someone who is interested in investing in the tourism sector in India, this blog is a must-read for you. We have compiled information about upcoming tourism trends which saw an uptrend in 2021 and may see a higher surge in 2022 and onwards. Tourism trends in India are as dynamic as it gets- being a developing country, the per capita income keeps growing and so do the number of people who would contribute to domestic tourism. And with the increase in induced tourism due to the back-to-back lockdowns amid the pandemic, these travelers are soaking themselves in what they are calling ‘Revenge travel’. But the question arises of how have the priorities changed for an average traveler in India? Moreover, what are the tourism trends that the government is trying to promote?
These are a few questions we have tried to answer in this blog. Our intent is to provide a comprehensive list of top 5 tourism trends which may see an upsurge due to both- public demand and governmental efforts.
These days, there have been some recent trends in the tourism industry that are enhancing the already laid out trends in the sector. These new trends are expanding the horizon of the travel industry in India even further and creating newer ways for creation of revenue. This is to some extent simply the development of the sector, however it can only proceed with the help of state and national governments and fortunately India is getting that support from its government bodies. There are various new trends in tourism and travel that are already flourishing in the country and there are some upcoming ones as well. Following are examples of five such trends.
1.) Lighthouse Tourism
The government is planning to support the travel industry in India by leveraging lighthouses in the country as one of the future prospects of tourism in India. As indicated by the reports, the Marine Aids to Navigation Bill, 2021 was presented in the Rajya Sabha. The bill was passed by the Lower House of the Parliament, and it aims to bring heritage lighthouses in the country to the forefront and get world-class facilities at the lighthouses. The bill repels the archaic Lighthouse Act, 1927, which as of now controls the lighthouses in India.
71 lighthouses have been identified in India for improvement and are to be developed into tourist spots. It would boost tourism to a great extent, and furthermore permit travelers to investigate these old-world charms as social and educational hubs too. They will have museums, amphitheaters, open-air theaters, cafeterias, children’s parks, eco-friendly cottages, etc.
As fascinating as it can get, a lighthouse tour could soon be on a travel itinerary in the coming times.
2.) Wellness tourism & Staycation
Since times immemorial, saints and sages in India have been rehearsing age-old practices that emphasize a person’s general wellbeing and health. It has now resulted in making India a renowned wellness destination. Wellness tourism in India is booming and prospering at a rapid speed. Indians have never avoided sharing their ancient knowledge to guarantee that people lead a tranquil life. Our wellness systems have a high potential as they were carefully created through hundreds of years of ancient civilizations’ cumulative insights. Today, India has arisen as the focal point of Yoga, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, etc. complemented with the nation’s spiritual philosophy.
3.) Cruises
India with its vast and lovely coastline, undisturbed idyllic islands, rich history, and social legacy can be an astounding location for a vacation for cruise tourists. With the Indian economy developing at a consistent speed, the middle class growing in number and progressively possessing disposable incomes which could be spent on relaxation activities, Indians could take on cruise shipping in a big way. The Cruise Shipping Policy of the Ministry of Shipping was supported by the Government of India on 26th June 2008. The aim of the policy is to promote cruise tourism in India and make the country a destination with state-of-the-art infrastructure and other facilities, to draw in the right segment of the foreign tourists to cruise shipping in India and to popularize cruise shipping with Indian tourists. The Ministry of Tourism through its different schemes for Central Financial Assistance for the advancement of tourism infrastructure in the country supports initiatives like infrastructure development of ports, acquisition of ferries, development of river cruise circuits, etc.